Trusted Contractor for Commercial, Residential Remodeling & Construction in Manor Tx!

Commercial Contractor

Residential Contractor

Commercial Remodeling

Residential Remodeling

About Our Company

We Give Your Property a Diverse and Unique Architecture!

If you want hassle-free new light commercial construction, you can come to Tayton Construction LLC. Here, we have skilled individuals who have been in the industry for years. You may hire our commercial roofing contractor to keep the basis of your commercial building strong. They know the best techniques to keep the structural integrity intact. In addition, our experts also have proficiency in commercial decking. If you want your home to be welcoming, spending on its outer side is the best you can do. More so, our professionals go through all the property details upon hiring. It is to devise an ideal structure for commercial patio and bathroom remodeling. Besides this, our team can also provide expert assistance while initiating new residential construction. They are aware of the industry trends that compel them to diverse ideas. However, feel free to hire our kitchen remodeling contractor for a unique architecture.

Services We Offer

We intend to serve our customers in the best possible way and do not compromise on the quality of products we use at any cost.

Pandora Commercial Project done by Tayton Construction LLC

Commercial Contractor Manor TX

Whenever you want to invest in the property, make sure to hire professional contractors. They have a government license which makes them eligible to initiate new commercial construction. To put forth, another good aspect of hiring licensed commercial contractors is that they can also get a license for the building structure. More to this, here we have a certified commercial roofing contractor whom you may hire. It is a fact that the basis of the structure must be strong as it prolongs its lifespan. However, you may feel free to hire our experts also for light commercial construction.

Light Commercial

Residential Contractor Manor TX

Residential areas have a great margin of diversity due to the market competition. The more unique the structure of your building is, the higher will be the value. For this reason, we have trained our home addition contractors in such a way that they now go for diverse structures only. Even if it is a small addition, it stands apart from the whole property. Moreover, we can also help you out in new residential construction. If you are planning to invest your money in the property, you can hire our professionally experienced residential roofing contractor. They will make sure to provide the best quality service.

Commercial Remodeling

Commercial Remodeling Manor TX

Constructing a building is one thing, and remodeling it is another. For this, you must always have a professional contractor by your side. They can help you get through the fraud and devise an ideal structure for commercial patio remodeling. Patios hold a significant value as they create an outlook of the whole space. Even more, we also assist in commercial decking because decks are one of the things that everyone looks at. For this reason, you must keep an attractive design for the deck of your commercial spaces. Besides this, we can also serve you right with our commercial bathroom remodeling service.
Residential Remodeling

Residential Remodeling Manor TX

It is quite difficult to remodel a residential space because the space is limited and you have to incorporate the ideas within the premises. If you want to revitalize your kitchen, you may connect with our kitchen remodeling contractor. The kitchen is the heart of the property and must remain in optimal condition. By hiring them, you can give your kitchen a modern structure. To put it forth, deck remodeling is also something we do. If you want your property to stand out among others, this is the best chance for you. Meanwhile, you may also hire our residential bathroom remodeling expert to have a guaranteed higher property value.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions once and for all.

Tayton Construction LLC offers trusted construction services in Manor TX. We also have a team of professional home addition contractors whom you may hire to revive your property. However, you may have a look at all the services we offer:

Commercial Contractor

  • New Commercial Construction
  • Light Commercial Construction
  • Commercial Roofing Contractor

Residential Contractor

  • Home Addition Contractors
  • New Residential Construction
  • Residential Roofing Contractor

Commercial Remodeling

  • Commercial Decking
  • Commercial Patio Remodeling
  • Commercial Bathroom Remodeling

Residential Remodeling

  • Deck Remodeling
  • Kitchen Remodeling Contractor
  • Residential Bathroom Remodeling

You can hire our credible commercial contractor with a proven track record in construction and contracting services in Manor TX by connecting through a call or an email. Drop us a call at 512-994-2191 or share your queries at to get your desired service.

The new residential construction has a greater value because the structure is designed according to the latest standards. Also, the latest standards are often according to the requirements of the majority of customers. For this reason, new construction always has a greater value.

Undoubtedly, residential deck and bathroom remodeling have a significant impact as it create an amazing outlay of the property that contributes to its overall value.

Get A Quote

If you are in search of a reliable team of contractors that can make it worth your investment, feel free to reach out to us. You may drop us an email or a call to get your hands on it.

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